Here's How You Play

Hello everyone. This is a blog where I will put on a question. Your job is to read the question and put your opinion. It's that easy. Please feel free to answer in any way, shape, or form. I can't promise that your opinion won't be laughed at because someone's will be. I will try to blog regularly. PS - Please keep the language clean.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Comedy movies

If you were making a comedy movie what would one of the funniest parts be? Or you could put something that has happened in your life that you could see being in a comedy movie.


Pax said...

I would make a part where someone would be about to spit out the window of a car and when they jolted forward to prevent the spit from getting on the side of the car the seat belt locked and the person would spit all over the inside of his/her car.

It would be better if a boy

Anonymous said...

I would have a shaky cam follow an old lady into a grocery store..eventually exposing her shoplifting addiction


Anonymous said...

Your spitting story reminds me of when my family was driving with a friend of mine, who happened to be in the back seat behind my dad the driver. Now my dad loves to chew on sunflower seeds when he drives and then to keep the car clean, he spits the shells out the window. This works well except when said friend doesn't know about this habit and happens to have the window open. A little physics and the shells get sucked back into the car and onto friend's face.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of the story Louise Stewart tells of when she was a tiny child and her mother was having someone over for lunch. Concerned that Louise might say something embarrassing about the woman's extra large form, her mother had a little talk with her. So when the lunch guest arrived, the first thing Louse says is, "mommy says you're fat!"