Here's How You Play

Hello everyone. This is a blog where I will put on a question. Your job is to read the question and put your opinion. It's that easy. Please feel free to answer in any way, shape, or form. I can't promise that your opinion won't be laughed at because someone's will be. I will try to blog regularly. PS - Please keep the language clean.

Friday, May 4, 2007


Ok it's time to have some fun. heres a riddle that you can do your best to answer, i have heard few people get it right so here it goes. Your walking down a road and you come up to two doors. At each door there is a guard and one always lies and one always tells the truth. One door leads to heaven and and the other leads to hell. You don't know which guard lies and which tells the truth and you can ask one question to them. You can't ask one guartd a question and then the other a question. You can only ask one question. What question would you ask???


Sienna said...

you'd say something like

"what would the other one tell me to do?"

and then you know somehow. i don't know. i never understood the answer. makes sense if you think about it long&hard.

Pax said...

close but no banana

Sienna said...

this was on Labyrinth, wasn't it?

Damien said...

sienna, please allow me to explain to you the answer to this riddle. i think if we act it out you'll see exactly how it works and won't have to think about it long and hard. it's actually quite simple.

annie said...

i remember chali, emma and i used to be obsessed with this riddle when we were your age, pax (that makes me feel old-ish). somehow, every time we brought it up, we forgot the answer. we were (are) weirdos. ;) but yeah, it's a good one!

Anonymous said...

Yes, the riddle is on Labyrinth, Sienna.

I know the answer already, so can I return riddle for riddle? (And no, I will not ask "what has it got in its pocketses?")

There is a room with three light bulb. There are three switches on the outside. Your task is to figure out which switch goes with which light bulb. However, you are only allowed to enter the room once to check the light bulbs. However, you can do whatever you want to while you are in there.

How do you figure out which light bulb goes with which switch?

Anna P said...

Having never heard of Labyrinth, I'm going to have to go with my best guess...

Since one always tells lies, I'd ask one of the guards, "What color is this door?" (pointing at the one I wanted the answer for) If he gave the correct colour, I'm in business! If not, I'd go through the other door.

Any chance that's correct?

Anna P said...

funke, in regard to your riddle... I'd tie three strings and label each of them to the switches and then enter the door and pull each string to see which switch works with each bulb.

Here's another, what's black and white and red all over?

funke said...

haha. Nepalfreak, the answer is actually a little less complicated than that. What if the strings got tangled?

funke said...

PS The problem with your answer to Pax's riddle, Nepalfreak, is that you are only allowed one question. So if you asked what color the door was, you would know which guard lied and which guard told the truth, but you still wouldn't know which door led to where you wanted to go.

Damien said...

what's black and white and red all over?
a nun rolling down a hill?

Pax said...

ok this has gone on long enough. heres the answer:

What would the other guard tell me was heaven?

Once this is asked the guard which always lies would point to hell saying that the guard who tell the truth would point here which of course is a lie but... The guard which always tells the truth knowing his mischievous friend would also point to hell knowing his friend is a lier and woulld say he was one. You would chose the opposite door the two guards were pointing to.

Pax said...

Whats black, white, and red alll over???

(a newspaper)

logically speaking there is no right answer because instead of righting read you must right red to make it hard to answer. This riddle only works orally. I feal smart=)

Anna P said...

Mr. Howard, yours works, but I was thinking more of a pengiun rolling down a hill!

Regarding the riddle, wouldn't the guard be standing and guarding only one of the doors? I can't tell that from the riddle, so I think my answer would work... but then again maybe I just have a complex that I must always be right!

The light bulb riddle: what's the answer?

Anonymous said...

nepalfreak no offence but your...WRONG! =)

funke said...

the light bulb riddle: I'll give you a hint. think about what happens to the light bulb when you leave it on for a number of minutes...

Luke said...

back white and read all over:a skunk in a blender

Luke said...

did you get the light bulb riddle from zoom?

John Chappell said...

What is the date today?