Here's How You Play

Hello everyone. This is a blog where I will put on a question. Your job is to read the question and put your opinion. It's that easy. Please feel free to answer in any way, shape, or form. I can't promise that your opinion won't be laughed at because someone's will be. I will try to blog regularly. PS - Please keep the language clean.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Someone needs your help

Hello friends and family. This post is not a question it is a request. Lisa Salvatore is having a surgery on her eyes this Wednesday. This surgery is usually successful but there are risks. Please keep Mrs. Lisa Salvatore in your thoughts and prayers.


Katie Lin said...

I pray that she has a fast recovery and a safe procedure during her surgery. If you get the chance to talk to her before her surgery, could you tell her that the Blackmons are all praying for her! thank you Pax for posting this!

JLW said...

I'll pray too!